1.Welcome - Video Edit Magic Express
3.Understanding the Workspace
4.Getting Started with Editing
5.Media Editing
Understanding the Timeline
Understanding Link, Lock and Hide Options
Dragging Sources
Moving and Resizing Sources
Deleting, Cutting, Copying and Pasting sources
Undoing and Redoing Actions
Using Stretch Mode
6.Working with Effects
7.Video Edit Magic Express Tools
8.Working with Projects
9.Making Movies
10.Capturing Media from Devices
11.Capturing Media from Analog Devices (Windows 98 only)
12.Exporting to Digital Video Camera

Video Edit Magic Express 4.11

Deleting, Cutting, Copying and Pasting

Deleting, Cutting, Copying and Pasting are the basic operations that can be carried out on the timeline of Video Edit Magic Express.  This topic describes each of these operations.


To delete a selected source simply select it and choose Edit > Delete or press Del on the keyboard.  A deleted source is cleared from its current location in the timeline. 

When a single source is selected then a delete operation will delete the selected source.  When multiple sources are selected, all the selected sources are deleted.  Deleting a range (selected by the Selection Sliders) will delete the portions of the sources that fall between the sliders, from tracks that are linked, and not locked.  This operation applies to all tracks in the Timeline.


To cut a selected source simply select it and choose Edit > Cut or press Ctrl+X on the keyboard.  A cut source is deleted from its current location in the timeline and copied to the Windows Clipboard.  You can now paste it to a new location.  This is an effective tool if you wish to move media from one location to another, in your timeline.

When a single source is selected then a cut operation will cut the selected source.  When multiple sources are selected then all the selected sources are cut.  Cutting a range will cut the portions of the sources that fall between the sliders, from tracks that are linked, and not locked.  This operation is applicable to all tracks in the timeline.


Copying a source does not delete it from the current location in the timeline.  This is the preferred method of duplicating a media selection in the timeline.  To copy a source, select it and choose Edit > Copy or press Ctrl+C on the keyboard. 

When a single source is selected then a copy operation will copy the selected source.  When multiple sources are selected then all the selected sources are copied.  Copying a range will copy the portions of the sources that fall between the sliders, from tracks that are linked, and not locked.  This operation is applicable to all tracks in the timeline.


A Cut or Copy command is usually followed by a Paste command.  Pasting a cut or copied source, inserts it at the current Seek Slider position in the Timeline.  A paste is performed within the same track from which the source was copied or cut.  To paste to the Timeline perform the following steps:

  1. Cut or copy source (s) using any selection method. 
  2. Position the slider to where you want to paste the cut or copied sources. 
  3. Choose Edit > Paste from the menu or Ctrl+V from the keyboard to paste at the current slider position. 


When multiple sources are cut or copied using multi selection then they are all pasted at the current slider position regardless of their relative positions.  In contrast to this, when multiple sources are cut or copied using range selection then they are all pasted at the current slider position and their relative positions are maintained.  For example, if a video source started at the 10th second and an audio source started at the 15th second when they were cut or copied using range selection (selection sliders are visible) then pasting them will keep a difference of 5 seconds between them.  If both of these sources were cut or copied using multi-select (sources are selected individually - selection sliders are not visible) then both are pasted at the slider position starting from the same time. 

Learn about Track Selections...

If the slider is positioned over a source in any track then that source will be split into two before a paste is performed.  Sources are pasted to tracks that are not locked.  The link state of a track does not affect a paste operation. 

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