2.Quick Start
3.Working with Devices
4.Auto Configuration Wizard
Record when motion or noise occurs
Continuously Upload JPEG photos to my FTP server
View my camera remotely from another PC
E-mail me when motion or noise is detected
Schedule camera(s) to start monitoring at a specified time
Continuously Record From My Selected Camera
5.Types of Alerts
6.Motion/Noise Settings
7.Working with Periodically Activated Alerts
8.Remote Monitoring
9.Configuring FTP Settings
10.Minimizing the Application
11.Media Files
12.Keyboard Shortcuts
13.Event Logs

WebCam Monitor 6.28

E-mail me when motion or noise is detected

Select this scenario of the Auto Configuration wizard if you want WebCam Monitor to send you an e-mail when motion or noise is detected.  Motion and Noise detection is enabled and Periodic triggering of Alerts is disabled.  Scheduler, Upload, Broadcasting and General settings remain unchanged.

Check the Clear all other Alerts option if you don't want to run any other alert except the E-mail Notification Alert which is selected by default when you choose this scenario.

Click on Next to give E-mail Settings, Subject and Message.  Go to the last page of this wizard and click the Settings button for advanced configuration.

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