2.Getting Started
3.Working with Smart Email Verifier
4.Verification Process
Verifying E-mail Addresses
Working with Verification Rules
Verification Summary
E-mail Verification Considerations
Forced Verification

Smart Email Verifier 3.51

Forced Verification

The normal process involves communicating with the mail server and using the VRFY SMTP command to check if the email is valid or not.  However most SMTP servers do not not implement the VRFY command.  The verification process will thus be unable to establish the validity of the mail address.  To overcome this problem, Smart Email Server provides the Forced Verification option.

The way it works is that a connection is established with the SMTP server and the email verifier communicates exactly as if it was sending an email.  As soon as the server confirms the existence of the email address and asks for the text body, the process is abandoned mid way.  This verifies the address without sending an email.  Since this process attempts to send an email but does not send data when asked for it, your IP can be blacklisted by SMTP servers for sending spam and could be blocked.  Hence, Smart Email Verifier will warn you about the implications of this procedure.

Follow the steps listed below to initiate forced verification:

  1. In the Tools menu, click on Options
  2. Click on General tab. 
  3. Check the Enable Forced Verification box.

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