Delete options help you to select which files to delete after transfer. The five type of delete options you can set for files during automated transfer are Include Empty Folders, Modification Date, File Size, File Name and File Type.
You can choose to either delete only certain file types. (for instance, Microsoft Word .doc files) or delete everything except certain file types (for instance, you can choose not to delete Word backup [.wbk] files). By default, all files will be deleted after automated file transfer if you enable delete option and do not configure filters. With delete options you can specify files which you do not want to delete after transfer. You can also decide whether files of the particular size or modification date should be deleted after transfer or not. Additionally, you can use the wildcard character "*" to select files based on patterns in their names.
To add delete filters in your Automated Transfer Profile, Check After transfer Delete files from <Folder 1> and Configure it from Automated Rules settings.

Include Empty Folders
When you do not want to keep some folders on your PC after transfer, then in such case you can choose to delete those folder after completion of transfer. Include Empty Folders option allows you to choose folders which will be deleted once the files are successfully transferred on destination.
Modification Date
If you enable this option, you can choose to delete files which are recently modified or which are older than a day, an hour or a minute. For example- After transfer delete files that have changed in the last 10 mintues.
File Size
The File Size option allows you to delete files by specifying the lower and upper size limit, or just the files that are greaterthan, lesserthan, or equal to a specific size.
File Name
You can select files to delete after transfer by matching their names. Add the files that begin with, end in, or contain specific characters (these characters are case-insensitive). Specify these characters in the text box that is provided.
If you select beginning with, the filter will match files whose names start with the contents of the File Name. For instance, if you chose to Delete files beginning with Set, files name "setting sun.doc" and "Seth Brosky's Birthday Party.avi" would be deleted, but "Seriously Cool Guitar Solo.mp3" would not.
Ending with is just the opposite. The program matches files containing the text if in the filename. For instance, if you choose to Delete files containingsally, files called "Sally's last day at school.avi" and "This is sally's birthday photo.jpg" would be deleted. The letters have to be together. A file called "S A L L Y!.mp3" would not be deleted.
Matching the Wildcard
Another option is matching the wildcard that lets you create more complex patterns.
An asterisk "*" matches any number of characters. For instance, POWER*.WM? will match any Windows Media audio or video file (they end in either ".wmv" or ".wma".) that starts with the letters "power". The asterisk "*" matches any number of characters, or none. For instance, "*doc" matches algebra.doc and catastrophe.doc. Similarly*sally*, will match all the file name containing the word sally.
A question mark "?" matches any one character. For instance, "??.txt" matches ab.txt and z8.txt, but not abc.txt or q.txt.
You can create multiple File Name filters. Separate multiple values with semicolons. For instance, if you want to delete all files that start with "flash" and also those that start with "lowlight", enter the value flash*; lowlight*.
File Type
File Type option helps you specify certain types of files that you want to delete. Enter file extensionorselect from dropdown list that you want to delete after transfer. You can Add or Remove file types from the Include list. Use semicolon (;) to mention multiple file extensions.
Note: A Quick Connection Profile does not have Action Rules, Filters and Schedules, but you can add them by converting the existing quick connect profile to an automated profile.