1.Welcome - Video Caster
2.Understanding Streaming Media Formats
3.Using Capture
4.Using Auto Slideshow
Making a Slideshow
Adding and Arranging Slides
Using Styles
Adding Music to the Slideshow
Adding Opening Titles and Closing Credits
Previewing the Slideshow
Customize Slideshow
Slide Duration Settings
Rotation of Slides
Adding Text to Slides
Changing Video Settings
Applying Video Effects
Cropping Slides
5.Converting Media Files
6.Publishing Media Files

Video Caster 3.44

Video Caster: Cropping Slides

Cropping Slides

Cropping slides is an excellent way of showing a portion of the image you want in a slide that is created.  Only the part you select appears in the slide.

To crop slides:

  1. In Auto Slideshow dialog, select the individual slide to which you want crop by clicking it.
  2. Click the Customize button.
  3. In the Customize dialog, select the Crop tab.
  4. You will see the image in two boxes.  The first box shows you how the image would look after cropping.  The second box has a cropping rectangle that frames the entire image.  You can resize and move this rectangle to any part of the image.  Only the part of the image the lies in the rectangle will be seen after cropping.
  5. To resize, move the cursor to the tiny black dots that appear on the edges of the cropping rectangle.  You will see that the four-point cursor changes to a two-point cursor.  Now squeeze or stretch the rectangle by moving the cursor.
  6. Move the cursor to the inside of the rectangle.  It changes to a four-point cursor.  Now you can move it and drag the cropping rectangle to any part of the image you want.
  7. While cropping, if you want the rectangle to frame the entire picture, double-click with the cursor within the cropping rectangle.
  8. Click on Save and then click the Close button.


If a slide has been cropped already and saved, the cropping rectangle will appear at the previous place and size when you try to change the crop settings.  Double-click inside the rectangle so that it frames the entire image again.  Now you can shift, resize and save it to apply the new crop effect.

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